About Kula Law Firm

Kula Law Firm providing comprehensive legal services to corporations and natural persons. One of the main facts of the Law is to be compatible with the changing conditions within the country and the world. Kula Law Firm adopts as a principle to be attuned to these changes expeditiously and always be innovative and creative.
Considering these principles, Kula Law Office provides consultancy and advocacy services in all fields and projects with our fluent English-speaking lawyers in İzmir.
For years, Kula Law Firm provides services in many cities such as Izmir, Istanbul and Bursa with our English-speaking lawyers in the fields of Turkish citizenship by investment, set up a company, immigration, real estate and litigation.
For consultancy and detailed information from English speaking attorneys who are experts in their fields, you can always reach us via our phone number +90 530 030 51 16 which is active on Whatsapp, via our e-mail address [email protected].
Business Process Management
Legal Counselling
Although many of us are not aware of, indeed all of us become a party of many legal transactions everyday. We lease, purchase, subscribe, have accidents, establish businesses, become one’s heir, lend, get credit etc., many more transactions can be added. For sure, the most reliable source to get the right information on the risks, results and benefits of this transactions should be a legal expert. In this context, our office provides true, up-to-date and reliable legal counselling services on the legal conditions that are being faced frequently in the daily life. You can get consultancy service in our office, on the phone and online.
Dispute Resolution
Carrying out the legal disputes, that show up as a result of the fast and the complex business and human relations, in the most beneficial way for clients constitutes the base of dispute resolution.
In this respect, primarily, our office’s lawyer, who are experienced in dispute resolution, are determined and efforts are made to conclude problems using alternative methods without getting to court, under his/her directorship.
In case it is understood that the resolution without getting to court is impossible, a professional case management process is started. In this stage, by also receiving help from the technical and academic legal experts, the matters included in dispute are presented with all their pros and cons and according to the result of this work, the alternative case process plan is formed with the participation of the client. According to this plan, dispute is concluded by getting to court, including appeal, in the most beneficial way.
Continuous Preventive Law Services
Without questioning the compliance of transactions and decisions with laws, acting without considering which disputes it can bring about, cause very serious material and reputation losses for companies and their partners.
In this respect, within the scope of continuity and risks of business life;
- The determination and analysis of the current and potential legal risks,
- Analysis of case and execution files and agreements resulted against partly or wholly and determining faults in them.
- Accommodating agreements according for the current legislation,
- Training of the employees who perform transaction with high dispute risks due to his/her position-job.
- Following the current legal developments generally or in terms of sectors and providing the transformation,
- Supervising the transactions with high risk like agreements, cancellation etc. legally, within the daily, routine operation,
- Immediate intervention, managing the process, minimizing the loss, at all hours of the day and night, in the situations like work accident and committing crime,
and providing these services during the year continuously, are in the scope of the continuous preventive law services.