How to Get Turkish Citizenship By Investment?

Since 2017, to become a Turkish Citizen by investment has been possible and the eligibility requirements are fairly straightforward. According to recent statute, people who interest in to be Turkish citizens, they have to invest on a certain amountof money and provide employment or having amount of money at Banks in Turkey. And, if you fulfil these conditions, you will have a right to get a Turkish Republic ID.
Fisrtly, the below mentioned conditions have regulated by Turkish Republic as exceptional ways to give citizenchip to foreigners. In that process, below mentioned ministiries recognise your investment and then they offer you to high authourity and finally the decision will made by Council of Ministers Of Turkish Republic
In light of recent regulations, The exceptional ways for all foreign investors to become a Turkish Citizen:
- At least $400.000 (Since 2022) investment in the real estate market that cannot be sold for three years. ( You have to add an annotation on the title deed and this annotation must be confirmed by The Ministiry o Environment and Urban Planning)
- At least $500.000 in fixed capital investment (It must be confirmed by The Ministiry of Economics of Turkish Republic )
- At least $500.000 in a Turkish bank for a three-year term or longer ( In that investment way, Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency has to determine your investment money)
- Employ 50 Turkish citizens (That business relation must be confirm by The Ministiry o Environment and Urban Planning)
To clarify the legal process step by step;
First of all, after a foreigner fulfil one of the above mentioned conditions and present some documents to related public authority, the legal process will start with related Ministiry of Turkish Republic’s written instructions.
Required documents for application:
- Application petition
- Applicants passport which shows his/her nationality or a document is similar with applicant’s passport.
- A certificate of marial status. If the applicant is married, marriage license has to be presented. Also, if the applicant is divorce, the court decision related to divorce must be presented. Moreover, If the applicant is widows, she/he has to present death certificate.
- Birth certificate (If he/she is married, birth certificate of all his/her family members must be presented to prove theirb blood tie)
- If applicant has one or more Turkish relatives, applicant present their identity ,
The next step is that all documents are presented by applicant, public authority send applicant field to related Ministiry of Turkish Republic. It means that the application process includes so many required documents, certificates and legal procedure, for taht reason there is not a certain time period about foreigners’ applications.
**This study is prepared by Kula Law Office. Please contact by e-mail ([email protected]) or call at +902324350604 for publication of the article in other channels, detailed information and questions about the subject.