How Do I Become A Turkish Citizen?
What are the benefits of having Turkish Citizenship?
- A lifetime Turkish citizenship short time as 6 months.
- No minimum residency in Turkey required.
- Free education and university reimbursement plans.
- Free and comprehensive medical service
- Pension programs are excellent.
- Turkish Passport allows visa free travel to more than 110 countries.
- Future access without visa to EU and Schengen countries.
- Investment opportunities with high return
How to get Turkish citizenship?
- By birth, if at least one parent is Turkish
- Through marriage
- By investments
- Through employment after five years of work
- Through five years of living in Turkey
Can I get Turkish citizenship if my father Turkish?
Yes! If one of your parents is Turkish you can get Turkish citizenship. Children who born in or out of marriage to a Turkish mother or Turkish father are considered Turkish citizens from birth. However, if you have not Turkish background , you can not obtain Turkish citizenship by bein born only in Turkey. Please contact us for more information
How long does it take to get Turkish citizenship by marriage?
Turkish citizenship is not automatically obtained after marriage. The law states that in order to apply for citizenship, you must have been married to a Turkish citizenfor at least 3 years and continue to be married.
In addition, you and your spouse should live together as a family, avoid committing acts that violate your marital union, and not pose a danger to national security or engage in unethical behavior. Please contact us for more information
Can I buy Turkish citizenship?
You cannot buy Turkish citizenship directly. You can obtain Turkish citizenship by investing and submitting the necessary applications. . Please contact us for more information.
How much does it cost to get citizen ship in Turkey?
You can get Turkish citizenship by investing in the way we mentioned below. To obtain citizenship;
- Can buy real estate worth at least US$400,000
- (According to the decision taken at the Presidential Cabinet meeting; The application requirement, which is 400.000 four hundred thousand dollars, will be increased to 400.000US$. The regulation will enter into force after its publication in the Official Gazette.)
- Can deposit a fixed capital contribution of at least US$500,000
- Can deposit at least US$500,000 or equivalent foreign currency or Turkish lira into a Turkish bank account
- At least US$500,000 or equivalent in foreign currency or Turkish lira may be pledged on government bonds
- May commit at least US$500,000 or equivalent foreign currency or Turkish lira to the real estate investment fund share or venture capital investment fund share
- You can create employment for at least 50 people, as approved by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services
Can I get Turhish citizenship by buying a house?
Yes! You can get Turkish citizenship if you buy a house worth $ 400,000. Please contact us for more in formation.
**This study is prepared by Kula Law Office. Please contact by e-mail ([email protected]) or call at +902324350604 for publication of the article in other channels, detailed information and questions about the subject.