How To Apply For International Protection In Turkey?

What is International Protection?
It is a protection, due to events occurring in their country; Persons who are thought to be persecuted or killed because of their race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion. There are three types of international protection: Refugee, Conditional Refugee and secondary protection.
It is the protection provided to people who are outside the country of their citizenship and cannot benefit from the protection of this country because they fear that they will be persecuted because of their race, religion, nationality, membership of a certain social group or political opinions due to events occurring in European countries.
Conditional Refugee
It is the protection provided to people who are outside the country of their citizenship and cannot benefit from the protection of this country because they fear that they will be persecuted because of their race, religion, nationality, membership of a certain social group or political opinions due to events occurring outside of European countries.
Secondary Protection
Issued to persons who do not qualify as refugees or conditional refugees. Protection afforded to persons who would be sentenced to the death penalty if repatriated to their country of nationality or residence, Subject to torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, or subject to indiscriminate acts of violence in situations of international or national armed conflict.
Who Can Apply For International Protection?
If, according to Turkish law, you have been persecuted in your country due to your race, religion, political views, nationality or belonging to a certain social group, or if you have had to leave your country due to indiscriminate acts of violence, where no one is safe due to reasons such as war or internal conflict, and you are unable to return You can apply for international protection. However, Syrian citizens are under temporary protection in Turkey. Therefore, since asylum seekers from Syria are currently granted the right to stay in Turkey in accordance with the "temporary protection" application, it was not deemed necessary for them to apply for "international protection" separately. For this reason, persons benefiting from temporary protection in the current practice cannot apply for international protection separately.
How Do I Apply For International Protection?
You can apply to the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management in your province to apply for international protection. There is no legal time limit for making an application for “international protection” in Turkey. After your application for international protection, the authorities will conduct an interview with you. In this interview it is important to convince the authorities that you need international protection. During the individual interview, explaining your reasons for leaving your country and the reasons why you are afraid to return will make it easier for the official who will decide on your application. If you do not speak Turkish, you will be provided with a free translator during this interview.
What Does It Mean That My Application for International Protection Has Been Accepted?
Accepting your international protection application does not give you the right to become a citizen of the Republic of Turkey. If your international protection application is evaluated positively, as long as the situation in your country does not improve or you cannot find another country that will accept you for long-term settlement, you will be allowed to stay in Turkey as an “international protection status holder” and continue to benefit from some rights and services. An International Protection Status Holder Identity Document will be given to the person whose application is accepted. This whole process, including your identity document, is completely free. The validity period of International Protection Status Holder Identity Documents is usually 1 year. At the end of the 1-year period, the validity period will be extended if your status continues.
What Will I Do If My International Protection Application Is Rejected?
If your application for international protection is rejected, you have the right to appeal this decision. If you do not object to the decision made about you within the period specified in the law, this rejection decision becomes final. Persons who do not object to the decision given in the law within the time limits specified in the law, if there are no other reasons to legally stay in Turkey, they will be deported.
Can I Apply for International Protection With The Help of a Lawyer?
Applying for international protection is a strictly personal right. For this reason, the application petition must be submitted by the person himself. However, there is no obstacle to getting legal support from a lawyer for the preparation of the petition, and getting support from a lawyer who is an expert in the field will increase your chances of being accepted. However, if your application is rejected, it is of great importance that the process is carried out with the help of a lawyer, as missing the legal deadlines will have irreversible consequences for you.
I'm Being Held In The Removal Center. Do I Have The Right to Apply for International Protection?
Yes, you can apply for international protection even if you are being held in a removal center due to a deportation and administrative detention decision. Even if you apply for international protection, your deportation decision will be suspended. Therefore, you will not be deported until your application is considered.
**This study is prepared by Kula Law Office. Please contact by e-mail ([email protected]) or call at +902324350604 for publication of the article in other channels, detailed information and questions about the subject.